We are so thrilled with the response that we had to the first semester last fall and even more excited as we prepare to start the second semester as well as re-launch another first semester this January 22nd. We had over 50 people join us for the pioneer class and saw God do so many amazing things. In a nutshell the school is simply a vehicle to facilitate the five fold ministry into the local church or regional church on a more intensified level. Its Intense simply because you are sitting under teaching regularly every week with a call for action and response on your part with some accountability built in. The accountability is simply experienced because you are walking this out with others and doing assignments together etc.  With activations (practical ministry assignments), impartation prayer, and doing it together with others you see allot of fruit and growth.

Last semester we had some guest speakers and anticipate the same this semester. The cost is $150 per person and $250 per couple. For more info please email Drew or Laurie – althomson@telus.net


The Vision

Enlarge the place of your tent! A month ago I shared with our Vancouver Island Revival Alliance a vision God had given me for a mobile tent of meeting for Vancouver Island. For some reason this particular get together I had a very clear leading to share this vision. After being in Port Hardy and launching our mobile prayer and proclamation journey I would lay awake on my bed most of the night and it seems God was downloading a lot of things he wanted to do in this new season. This tent would be symbolic representation of what has been unfolding on Vancouver Island. A tent of meeting where the body of Christ comes together in various regions of Vancouver Island and the community can gather and enjoy the supernatural manifestation of Gods Glory’s, presence, love and power; a place where regions can reach out from with the Gospel and the message of His extravagance.

The Miracle – next blog post …………..

ISA 54

“Enlarge the place of your tent,
and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out;
do not hold back; lengthen your cords
and strengthen your stakes.

For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left,
and your offspring will possess the nations
and will people the desolate cities.

After a very hot burn hosted by Brian and Leah Alexander at CFC in Qualicum a few months back a larger island wide burn is starting to get wind from heaven. Details to follow very soon but word is mid July and you might need camping gear!

Heard a great first hand story today of a women who ministered on Northern Vancouver Island back in 1958 – 1962! I have asked for more details and more stories but the one part that was amazing was a first nations women who was filled with the Holy Spirit and “spoke in tongues”. It turned out that she was speaking in Norwegian as there was a women from Norway in the meeting. Quite interesting as there were many pioneers in the North of the Island from Scandinavia. This women is now in her late 70’s which means she was somewhere in her 20’s back then. No wonder the scripture says “they will tell the next generation” it is so needed to hear all the God stories of old.

Paul & Sue appreciating some of the artwork that is being released in this new season.

Next week we get to hang out with and minister at Dan & Sue McLean’s church Victory Miracle Centre. We are joining in with their mini burn on Saturday and leading a time of Worship and then sharing in the Sunday morning service the next day. It just so happens that we have 2 teams going out from our church within a week of each other – one to the capitol of BC and the other to Ottawa – the Capitol of Canada.  The team going to Ottawa is a large team springing out of Christian Fellowship Centre and working with NHOP. In light of several recent prophetic inputs and prayer times we are standing for and declaring a shift both in Victoria and Ottawa. When we joined in with the gathering in Duncan it so happens that one of the leaders involved with the church there has a ministry to parliament in Victoria and I’m looking forward to connecting with him at some point. Join with us in prayer for Victoria and Ottawa as God plan unfolds for Canada. Here is a profile of John Duncan from NHOP so you can lift him in prayer

Dan and Paul "mix the oil" at Victory Miracle Centre during the last leg of the Vancouver Island Mobile Prayer Meeting

Ian McKellar shares on the Azusa Street Revival. Ian serves with Tyrone Daniel on an Apostolic team called NCMI. I love the part where he mentions a book subtitle “a handful of Christians that changed the world”


azuza st revival from Mountain High Media on Vimeo.

Here is what happened last week in Duncan to the first version of the Vancouver Island Painting by Jenn. We had a fantastic time in joining up with a Baptist Pentecostal coalition of worshipers and prayers. I shared a very simple version of some of the events of Oct-Dec and we had a corporate time of prayer together. Theses folks were very generous and kind to iinvite us in to their celebration. Thanks Duncan! The following Tuesday they had a little 2.9 earthquake just off the coast by Duncan. Hopefully symbolic that God is shaking things up for the good! felt an interesting connection with that area as they are CV (Cowichan Valley) and we are CV (Comox Valley) both local first nations names. Makes me wonder is there any other place on the island with a first nations name and valley attached to it? Upon returning home we had some interesting discussions and circumstances relating to our first nations peoples. In our previous Alliance meeting we were blessed to have someone with Metis background with us. It just happened that I had cut out an article about Metis awareness day (2nd annual) in our school district. They even thought I was Metis! Ha my pony tail may come in handy lol. On that note keep praying for all God has in store for our wonderful first nations brothers and sisters and their clans.

Just finished a five hour get together with about 27 pastors from Port Hardy to Victoria and a couple from the mainland. This was a sacred and somber heart connection around what God is releasing and calling us into on Vancouver Island. We heard a current story of six columbians who have actually moved to Vancouver island because God told them of the revival that was coming to this island. The other day in the middle of the night I was told three locations where He is moving with power that will shift spiritual plates and release the tsunami. I was actually asking God for where the epi center would be, but the answer was a place called hunger a place called humility and a place called holiness. Set your GPS, follow the voice and pray I’m not late.

We were blessed to be joined by two prophetic artist, one from Northgate and one from Riverheights who painted while we shared and listened to the heart of God together. We also heard from our mainlanders that the unity and stirrings that were happening up and down the island are fanning hope to folks on the mainland. A new couple joined us from Victoria who have struggled to find “family” and meaningful relationships since planting a church on the island two years ago when the Lord directed them here. Tears of joy flowed and the Holy Spirit knit them to our hearts.

times of prayer, blessing and words of uplift!

Brian and Leah shared about the powerful impact that hosting a burn has had on their church in Qualicum and envisioned us for a greater 27 hours multi region burn. Scott from Northgate shared about the encouragement and impact of the 2011 fast and prayer time. We also added some new friends to our midst from Coombs. We also got updates from George about Port Hardy. We obviously had no lack of many prophetic words, prayers and created a new way to pray for all called a fireball- ha ha – I like it because instead of linear with an entrance and exit it is circular and just keeps rolling!

I also articulated what I feel helps communicate what is on our hearts and with a sober heart shared that God was drawing people together for His name sake and not to build anything for ourselves, He is the Builder and we are the co-laborers working with him and giving ourselves to his plans. We have finally made contact with Duncan and have been invited to come and join them for an inter church worship and prayer time. We are very excited about that! Hopefully our artist can make it and paint in the seventh city for our prayer assignment.

Fires are slowly growing & connecting across the island

Our heart is to see the manifestation of Gods Glory in Christ’s church through the outpouring of His spirit resulting in a transformed Island as a witness to the World. Ps 133 / Jn 17 / Eph 4 / Mt 28

December 28, 2010

Outstanding gathering

We had an outstanding gathering of over 40 pastors and leaders from Port Hardy to Victoria. An amazing time of food, fellowship, prayer, prophecy, soaking, painting, worshiping and more. The day I announced this gathering in our church a couple came forward and said they had just bought a 50lb bag of potatoes and 20 lbs of carrots and now knew what they were for. They also handled the whole dinner, guitar player, volunteers and paid for it! Friends that is a sure sign of God in the house. I am finding when we do God stuff we Get God supplies!

What a dinner

Johnny, our resident chef, along with his team prepared an amazing roast beef dinner with a great apply followed by an amazing cheese cake as well as a pop tart for the pastor!

Visions of the Harvest

I had Ken from Aaron house share with the folks a very powerful vision he had several years ago as a new believer. It is worth me getting him to write it out for a later post but in included a cloud coming in off the pacific ocean over the mountains and resting on Comox Valley. He found himself threshing a scythe  in a massive harvest.


All in all our time was somewhat surreal as we encamped around His presence and purpose drawn together by the Holy Spirit.

Another testimony that was fantastic was the healing testimony of Sharon who cares for the youth at Port Hardy Christian Fellowship. She had major back problems for a long time and was completely healed. As God was healing her he also released her into ballet dance for about two hours and she was doing moves that shocked Mike & Dennise’s daughter Michelle as she was trained in ballet.


As our meeting fell on Hanukah we enjoyed the symbolic lighting of the menorah candles and remembering the occasion of a celebrated victory of Gods people, teh supernatural supply of oil and the re dedication of the temple. If so happens that a couple Bill & Edie had come from temple Yeshua in Victoria and so I was able to have them bring the menorah and a shofar. I have never really been into shofars or any of “that kind” of stuff. I am blessed to be engaging with the Lord on many different levels. Its amazing what surrender and and open heart can do for you in the way of new experiences!


The following day we enjoyed a powerful time of worship, prayer, declarations and communion. All in all our time was somewhat surreal as we encamped around His presence and purpose drawn together by the Holy Spirit. We are engaged with God and would rather fall flat on our faces reaching for His glorious and dangerous dreams than succeed in carrying out our goofy goals.

Fires are slowly growing & connecting across the island

Just as a note – in the comox valley there has been a very notable increase in salvations, healings, encounters, provisions and other evidences of the Kingdom of God being released. We never want to despise the day of small beginnings but rather be faithful and thankful for what is happening.

I am learning that there is a difference between the following……

  • laying on your face before the Lord
  • kneeling before the Lord
  • standing before God
  • Walking with God
  • Running with God
  • Soaring with God

It seems this last couple of months we have been giving them all a good go! Traveling thousands of km’s for divine appointments, encountering the Lords voice and his heart, being broken, being filled, traveling in team and praying over seven cities over 500km’s in 12 hours, the list just goes on. If you ever doubted those prophetic words about acceleration please don’t!

I think of all these positions right now my favorite is on your face, simply because it reflects wonder, amazement and complete surrender, which is where we are endeavoring to go. Or should I say it is where God is calling us. We want to stand, walk, run and soar with God but I’m sure that there is a work first that must happen in the place of being on our face and on our knees. This of course is not just a physical position but a spiritual one that may well be reflected by our physical posture. God help us from getting on our knee’s but not truly surrendering all to Him. Ever since our time in Port Hardy there has been something of a lingering sobriety in what God is doing right now. I dont have all the answers – but I know God is after the heart of His church. A song that used to evoke something of a criticism from my heart now leaves me ruined in His presence.

He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realise just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us so,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all

I had a dream the other day about three tornado’s and when I hear this song I tremble about the thought of the majesty and terror of the glory of God and myself being sucked up into its vortex. Paul’s prayer in Eph 3:14 is that we would know the height depth breadth and width of the love of Christ that “surpasses knowledge” May we be led deeper into and encounter with His love and lead others into the same.

As of yesterday the prayer meetings have grown by about 30%. There are saints from at least 5 churches present and pastors from four. I would venture to day when we regroup corporate prayer is going to be showing up on the church calender in a more significant way.